Stone by Stone is a Gold Level Guidestar-verified 501c3 non-profit. All donations are tax deductible.
Checks may be made payable to Stone by Stone and
mailed to:
Stone by Stone
PO Box 2961
Liverpool, NY 13089
Or you may donate securely via PayPal below.
Please note if your donation is for a specific need or project.
If you have any questions or need more information on how you can help, please feel free to contact us using our Contact Page.

Monthly Budget:
Transportation - $632
Medicines - $900
Administrator - $265
Doctor - $345
Nurse - $114
Pharmacy Tech - $114
Lab Tech - $165
Dentist - $189
Healthcare Agents - $176
Total - $2900/month


Support Stone By Stone one penny at a time
Coin Up provides an easy way to support the nonprofit of your choice. Create an account, link your favorite credit or debit card, and each purchase you make will round up to the nearest dollar. At the end of the month, your spare change will be donated to Stone By Stone! Sign up to partner with us today!